Anglican Church Diocese of Liverpool No. 601
As you can see our church has had a long history – 194 years in fact.
Church records, 1917 to 1976, have been stored in the Liverpool Central Library and committed to micro fiche, 283 PLP and 283 DAV (for St. Davids)
Key dates from the Past
1816 St. Philips Hardman Street. Consecrated by the Bishop of Chester.
1880 The first Bishop of Liverpool preaches his first sermon in the Diocese at St. Philips.
1881 St. Philips closes in Hardman Street.
1886 St. Philips opens in Sheil Road.
1891 St. Philips consecrated as a parish church.
1921 War memorial dedicated by Bishop Chavasse.
1925 The first Rose Queen festival.
1929 The Boys Brigade comes to St. Philips.
1932 Mothers Union Banner dedicated.
1938 Church hall dedicated.
1941 Incendiary bomb hits St. Philips (it was put out by Mrs. Campbell – the Vergers wife)
1946 War memorial Chapel begun.
1974 The 3rd St. Philips is dedicated.
1975 St. Philips joins with St. Davids
2010 Closed as St Philips with St. David – Joined All Saints Liverpool